Be Around - Blooom
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  1. 1 Be Around Blooom

Blooom《Be Around》歌词 It's time to quit while we are here 是时候在驻留地分离了 Don't think like that 别那么猜想 I will love you endlessly 我会永生永世爱着你 If you'd only believe 唯有你相 Don't you be like that 结果不是那样的吗 I will love you forever 你我会结成海枯石烂、至死不渝的爱情 If you'd only believe in me yeah 唯独你对我的任 (You could've been with anyone and I could've been with anyone) (你我原本可能都跟其他任何人在一起) (Yeah you and me) (可你与我) (Yeah you and me) (没错就是你跟我) You could've been with anyone and I could've been with anyone 你我原本可能都跟其他任何人在一起 Yeah you and me 可你与我 Yeah you and me 没错就是你跟我 (You could be around but) (你可留在身边但是) You could've been with anyone and I could've been with anyone 你我原本可能都跟其他任何人在一起 Yeah you and me 可你与我 Yeah you and me 没错就是你跟我 (You could be around but) (你可留在身边但是) You could've been with anyone and I could've been with anyone 你我原本可能都跟其他任何人在一起 Yeah you and me 可你与我 Yeah you and me 没错就是你跟我 You and me 你与我才是般配 I said don't you think like that 我说过别那样想的吗 I will love you endlessly 我会永生永世爱着你 If you'd only believe me 唯有你相信 Don't you think like that 结果不是那样的吗 If you'd only believe in me yeah 唯独你对我的信任 You and me 你与我才是般配 (You could've been with anyone and I could've been with anyone) (你我原本可能都跟其他任何人在一起) (Yeah you and me) (可你与我) (Yeah you and me) (没错就是你跟我) (You could be around but) (你可留在身边但是) You could've been with anyone and I could've been with anyone 你我原本可能都跟其他任何人在一起 Yeah you and me 可你与我 Yeah you and me 没错就是你跟我 (You could be around but) (你可留在身边但是) You could've been with anyone and I could've been with anyone 你我原本可能都跟其他任何人在一起 Yeah you and me 可你与我 Yeah you and me 没错就是你跟我 (You could be around but) (你可留在身边但是) You could've been with anyone and I could've been with anyone 你我原本可能都跟其他任何人在一起 Yeah you and me 可你与我 Yeah you and me 没错就是你跟我

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