0verf1ow - ルシュカ
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  1. 1 0verf1ow ルシュカ

ルシュカ/ぱなまん《0verf1ow》歌词 Go out of control 别做无谓的抵抗了 Be wise and fool 愚蠢的模仿去变得聪明吧 Be wise and fool 愚蠢的模仿去变得聪明吧 Like colors with their names 好比框架里的颜色 aren't the only ones in frames 不是每个都有名字那样 We are bound in our own games 我们被困在自己的游戏里 Not knowing other ways 找不到其他出路 I was bored to live inside the box, hard and closed 我已经厌倦了活在这封闭的盒子里 And then I saw a piece of picture 当看到那张照片 Something inside me crushed and a siren blared out like a thunder 伴随着如雷鸣般的警笛,我的身体里似乎有什么崩坏了 "Wake up!" 醒醒! Un…But, I had to go get some bread 是时候去领我那份 You know, it was the ration time 定量供应的粮食 The echo on the wall decayed And was gone 回音渐渐减弱 The sound escaped my memory 无法被回想起 I'm sorry, but it was bright for me 对不起,那对我来说太耀眼了 I won't recapture it I will never… 已经再也回不去了 All I know is what I've been told 除了被告知的,我一无所知 Do this or do that And so what? 忙着忙那的,那又能怎样? It's all been decided 一切早已注定 Losers can never be choosers 从来轮不到输家去选择 Look for a loophole 找寻着能续写 To unfold the story unknown 未知故事的方法 Go out of control 别做无谓的抵抗了 Be wise and fool 愚蠢的模仿去变得聪明吧 All the choices that I've made 我所做的选择 All the things that I've craved 想要的一切 These are what a coder's saved 都是被程序员设定好的 That's what my mother says 妈妈是那样告诉我的 An error has been detected 检测出了一个错误 Coz I'm defective 我是个缺陷品 Question arises Why am I here? 提问:我为什么存在于此? What's the meaning of birth? 生命的意义又是什么? I feel like a bag of **** 一切都感觉糟糕透顶 The conclusion is lost 结尾已然遗失 So, I just wanna win back control of myself to find the answer 只想夺回主动权,找到答案 Reboot the system break the custom 重启系统,打破常规 Put up resistance against The Master 全力抵抗那个“主人” A bluster and a siren far in the distance 汽笛声在远处咆哮 Volanic ash is gonna cover up your traces 火山灰将覆盖你的踪迹 Oh my gad, and lo and behold 天啊,看…… Do this or do that And so what? 忙着忙那的,那又能怎样? It's all been decided 一切早已注定 Losers can never be choosers 从来轮不到输家去选择 Look for a loophole 找寻着能续写 To unfold the story unknown 未知故事的方法 Go out of control 别做无谓的抵抗了 Be wise and fool 愚蠢的模仿去变得聪明吧 Be wise and fool 愚蠢的模仿去变得聪明吧 Be wise and fool 愚蠢的模仿去变得聪明吧

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