Storm - 吴青峰
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  1. 1 Storm 吴青峰

吴青峰/AURORA《Storm》歌词 似曾相识的你 风泄漏你姓名 寂寞的 过路人 呼啸着 I've been 我一直在 等一个人来临 雨季让人生病 窗外的 雷雨声 警告着 It took some time 我花了一点时间 And it took some hope 我怀揣着希望 And like a coward 我就像个懦夫一样 I waited at home 在家里苦苦等待 I wrapped my hands 黑暗之中 Around you in the dark 我将你搂在我的怀中 To see what happens to the heart 想要看看这颗心会发生什么变化 Take me up then keep me high 带我离开 让我变得欢欣雀跃 Never let me go 在你教会我 Before you teach me 如何飞翔以前 How to fly 绝对不要放开我的手 Take me up then keep me high 带我离开 让我变得欢欣雀跃 Cause above the rain 因为穿越风雨 Above the clouds 在云端之上 It's always bright 那里的天空总是一片光明 Hurricane come again 飓风再次袭来 Lift me up 带我高飞 Forgive me earth 喧嚣尘世啊 请原谅我 I'm going away 我要转身离去 Did I see you stand there 我看到你伫立在我眼前 Where the sun burns your air 阳光炙烤着你的空气 I'm with you 我与你在一起 I'm with you 我与你在一起 Feel for you 我理解你的心情 I've been 我一直在 Asking you hide away 恳求你躲起来 When the storm on your way 狂风暴雨渐渐向你逼近 I'm with you 我与你在一起 I'm with you 我与你在一起 Here for you 陪在你身旁 It took some time 我花了一点时间 And it took some tears 我流下不少眼泪 To learn the lesson 潜心学习 Of killing fears 克服恐惧的经验教训 I'm breathing out 我长舒一口气 And I release the hold 我松开双手 To see what happens to the soul 想要看看灵魂会发生什么变化 Take me up then keep me high 带我离开 让我变得欢欣雀跃 Never let me go 在你教会我 Before you teach me 如何飞翔以前 How to fly 绝对不要放开我的手 Take me up then keep me high 带我离开 让我变得欢欣雀跃 Cause above the rain 因为穿越风雨 Above the clouds 在云端之上 It always bright 那里的天空总是一片光明 Hurricane come again 飓风再次袭来 Lift me up 带我高飞 Forgive me earth 喧嚣尘世啊 请原谅我 I'm going away 我要转身离去 Hurricane come again 飓风再次袭来 Lift me up 带我高飞 Forgive me earth 喧嚣尘世啊 请原谅我 I'm going away 我要转身离去 Waiting for rain 等待天降甘霖 Waiting sunrise paint the shade 等待日出的来临 蒙上一层阴影 Lying down 甘愿认输 Waiting for the storm for so long 期待狂风暴雨的到来 早已等候多时 Alone 形单影只 Take me up then keep me high 带我离开 让我变得欢欣雀跃 Never let me go 在你教会我 Before you teach me 如何飞翔以前 How to fly 绝对不要放开我的手 Take me up then keep me high 带我离开 让我变得欢欣雀跃 Cause above the rain 因为穿越风雨 Above the clouds 在云端之上 It always bright 那里的天空总是一片光明 Hurricane come again 飓风再次袭来 Lift me up 带我高飞 Forgive me earth 喧嚣尘世啊 请原谅我 I'm going away 我要转身离去 Hurricane come again 飓风再次袭来 Lift me up 带我高飞 Forgive me earth 喧嚣尘世啊 请原谅我 I'm going away 我要转身离去

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