加冕 - 陈小楠
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  1. 1 加冕 陈小楠

陈小楠《加冕》歌词 You can see that champion’s gold chain on me Fight in the burning,become the new Queen You can say that crazy’s put it on me When the storm’s coming,I will be the legend You can see that champion’s gold chain on me Fight in the burning,become the new Queen You can say that crazy’s put it on me When the storm’s coming,I will be the legend 我总是站在这个高度俯瞰你 集结所有的兵力高处呼喊你 不用对我俯首称臣I can give you peace 无所谓 told you my name told you my name K I N G on my tag (wu) 这是我要走的路我怎么可能会认输 拿下你只需要迈出社交短暂的第一 步 进入了朋友圈人们总羡慕的圈子 爬上最高 度 掌握一切的领 主 wu wu wu 说的都是假的 总有人是傻的 喜欢那些玩的花的 不停夸着 评论中拉扯 不在乎技术的真假 在这一切总看脸的时代 堵上了身家 化身正义我绝不会迟来 got the devil on me got that psycho on me got the devil on me got that psycho on me You can see that champion’s gold chain on me Fight in the burning,become the new Queen You can say that crazy’s put it on me When the storm’s coming,I will be the legend You can see that champion’s gold chain on me Fight in the burning,become the new Queen You can say that crazy’s put it on me When the storm’s coming,I will be the legend 不用怀疑我的方向 决定从来不需要商量 他们都把话说的敞亮 超越我的速度是妄想 faker说他们真的比我懂说唱 才学了几首热单就标榜自己有多棒 you can pay what you want but you never catch me up 穿金又怎样 别妄想就能 get my crown face裱在嘴上 不停伪装 赚不够的money 集满徽章 纯金的表象 暗地里较量 谁早已把舆论都扫荡 wow现在开始你的低级表演 记得输了也要挂上迎合观众的笑脸 burn it up burn it up 藏起你的小棱角 put it down put it down 没有实力就别上 got the devil on me got that psycho on me got the devil on me got that psycho on me You can see that champion’s gold chain on me Fight in the burning,become the new Queen You can say that crazy’s put it on me When the storm’s coming,I will be the legend You can see that champion’s gold chain on me Fight in the burning,become the new Queen You can say that crazy’s put it on me When the storm’s coming,I will be the legend

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