Pull Me Up - 张靓颖
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  1. 1 Pull Me Up 张靓颖

张靓颖《Pull Me Up》歌词 Paradise 天堂 Feels like diamonds in disguise 就像钻石的幻象 Don't think twice, think right 不要怀疑,就对了 A perfect crime 一次完美的犯罪 You stole my heart in record time 你瞬间偷走我的心 Left behind no sign 然后离开,不着痕迹 So play me like a string up on a violin 你撩拨我如同拨动琴弦 I know it sounds so sad but it feels so good 听起来悲伤却无比享受 got me locked inside your love without tryin 我不想逃脱你爱的囚禁 Like ohhh 就像 So take me to your heaven like I'm dyin 带我去你的天堂就像我已死去 Cause I would leave this place only if you stood 只愿陪你到世界的尽头 Right beside me on the edge of the horizon 伴我在地平线的边缘 Like ohhh 就像 So Pull me up 所以 拯救我 So Pull me up 拯救我 Baby when the sun goes down 亲爱的,当太阳落下 I'll be waiting for you on the Ground 我会在那里等你 So Pull me up 所以 拯救我 So Pull me up 拯救我 Baby when the sun goes down 亲爱的,当太阳落下 I'll be waiting for you on the Ground 我会在那里等你 So Pull me up 拯救我 Hypnotized 恍惚中 Feels like crystals when I cry 眼泪让我像透过水晶看到一切 I don't mind 又怎样 Don't mind 无所谓 Fantasized 曾幻想 About your body rising next to mine 想象你依偎在我身边 Feels so nice 感觉如此美好 So nice 如此美好 So play me like a string up on a violin 你撩拨我如同拨动琴弦 I know it sounds so sad but it feels so good 听起来悲伤却无比享受 got me locked inside your love Without tryin 我不想逃脱你爱的囚禁 Like ohhh 就像 So take me to your heaven like I'm dyin 带我去你的天堂就像我已死去 Cause I would leave this place only if you stood 只愿陪你到世界的尽头 Right beside me on the edge of the horizon 伴我在地平线的边缘 Like ohhh 就像 So Pull me up 所以 拯救我 So Pull me up 拯救我 Baby when the sun goes down 亲爱的,当太阳落下 I'll be waiting for you on the Ground 我会在那里等你 So Pull me up 所以 拯救我 So pull me up 拯救我 Baby when the sun goes down 亲爱的,当太阳落下 I'll be waiting for you on the Ground 我会在那里等你 So pull me up 拯救我 So pull me up 拯救我 So pull me up 拯救我 Baby when the sun goes down 亲爱的,当太阳落下 I'll be waiting for you on the Ground 我会在那里等你 So Pull me up 所以 拯救我 So pull me up 拯救我 Baby when the sun goes down 亲爱的,当太阳落下 I'll be waiting for you on the Ground 我会在那里等你 So pull me up 拯救我

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