Russ - 早安少女 (Psycho remix)(鲤 / 台灯家的果妹 remix) - 鲤
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  1. 1 Russ - 早安少女 (Psycho remix)(鲤 / 台灯家的果妹 remix)

/果妹Russ - 早安少女 (Psycho remix)》歌词 She got me going psycho 她令我疯狂 She got me going down 她令我沦陷 Down, down 深陷其中,魂牵梦萦 Got me living on a tightrope 让我如临深渊,无法前行 She got me going down 她令我着迷 Down, down 无法挣脱 She got me going psycho 她令我疯狂 She got me going down 她令我沦陷 Down, down 深陷其中 Got me living on a tightrope 让我如临深渊,没有退路 She got me going down 她令我沦陷 Down, down 魂牵梦萦 你说再没什么热情不会燃尽 You said no more enthusiasm would burn out 也再没有人 And no one else 会帮你开未来的门禁 Help you open the future barriers 说在你心里头 再装不进和谁的回忆 you said “no memories of anyone in your heart” 只可惜再也没有人 It's a pity that no one else 起风时一直等你 When the wind blows,I still waiting for you 你说你也想过 You said “you once thought” 不想一个人在角落 Don't want to stay at corner alone 可时间溜走 也只偶尔 But sometimes the time is slipping away. 留恋那时候的飞蛾扑火 Missing the fire 于是你暗自提醒自己 So you remind yourself 不能再轻易就随便被谁俘获 You can't be captured by anyone so easily She got me going psycho 她令我疯狂 She got me going down 她令我沦陷 Down, down 无法挣脱 Got me living on a tightrope 让我如临深渊,没有退路 She got me going down 她令我沦陷 Down, down 无法挣脱 She got me going psycho 她令我疯狂 She got me going down 她令我沦陷 Got me living on a tightrope 让我如临深渊,没有退路 Down, down 害怕落 She got me going down 她令我沦陷 Down, down 无法挣脱 直到你开始习惯和别人说你自己能搞定 Until you get used to telling people you can work out 突然发觉好像早已 失去爱上谁的超能力 Suddenly realized that I had lost my ability to love someone 一个人看凌晨的夜景 Looking night view in the early morning alone 烦闷了自己透透气 Dpressed take a breath alone 倔强的仰着头 Stubborn, head up 在时光拉长的身影里 In the long shadow of time 带着你独特的气质和不服输的酷 Bring your unique temperament and not defeat 大不了就一个人走 I can go alone 反正注定是没尽头的路 It's bound to be an endless road 不羡慕 大多数 女孩 你不会 孤单 Not envy,you won't be alone 就赶着找着谁保护 In a hurry to find someone to protect 你说如果是自己决定去做的事 You said if you decided to do it yourself 那就肯定没谁挡得住 Then no one can stop you 你一路走走停停 带着表情上 You walk and stop ,with your face 一贯淡漠的保护色 A protective color that has always been indifferent 感觉累了 就讲给镜子听听 Feeling tired,then tell it to the mirror 一个人也喝醉过 Has been drunk alone 你说是你选的路就咬紧牙 You say you chose the road, bite your teeth 再难也不跪着 No matter how hard it is, you don't kneel 你说就算付出没回报 You said even if you pay and no return 可是汗水不会褪色 But sweat doesn't fade She got me going psycho 她令我着迷 She got me going down 她令我沦陷 Down, down 无法挣脱 Got me living on a tightrope 让我如临深渊,无法前行 She got me going down 她令我沦陷 Down, down 无法挣脱

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