偷月亮的人 - 后海大鲨鱼
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  1. 1 偷月亮的人 后海大鲨鱼

后海大鲨鱼《偷月亮的人》歌词 Let me talking to the moon 让我对月儿倾诉 Let me talking to the sun 让我对雨水袒露 Let me talking to the rain 让我对雨水诉说 Let me talk to every word in the history 就让我敞开心扉袒露曾经 We are dancing on the moon 我们在月下轻舞 We are dancing on the sun 我们在阳下曼舞 We are dancing in the rain 我们在雨下舞动 We are dancing with every note in the Galaxy 我们随着银河的每个节奏一起舞动 It's a day it's a day a day we are free 是白昼啊 灿烂的白昼啊 我们如此自由 It's a day it's a day a day we will never be afraid 是白昼啊 灿烂的白昼啊 我们不必害怕 It's a day it's a day not so late 是白昼啊 灿烂的白昼啊 还不算太迟 It's the day 是白昼啊 Fly me to the moon fly me to the moon 和我一起飞向月球 飞向月球 Fly me to the edge of the world 和我一起飞向尽头 世界的尽头 Fly me to the place where you will 带我飞往你会去往的地方 Get higher and higher with a white rabbit 与白兔一起飞向更高处 I am the one who steal the moon 我是那个偷月亮的人儿啊 I am the one who steal the capsule 我是那个偷走太空舱的人啊 I am the one who steal the story 我是那个窃取曾经回忆的人儿啊 I am the one who made 我我是那个书写 The thousand and the one night 一千零一夜的那个人啊 I am living on the moon 我寄居在月亮上 I am living in the capsule 我住在太空舱里 I am living in the story 活在童话故事里 I am living in the thousand and the one night 活在一千零一夜美好童话里的人 It's a day it's a day a day we are free 是白昼啊 灿烂的白昼啊 我们如此自由 It's a day it's a day we will never be afraid 是白昼啊 灿烂的白昼啊 我们不必害怕 It's a day it's a day not so late 是白昼啊 灿烂的白昼啊 还不算太迟 It's the day 是白昼啊 Smiley faces on smiley faces on 灿烂的笑脸 灿烂的笑脸 Like a rainbow on the face of the moon 像一道连接月儿的彩虹 Smiley faces over the rainbow 彩虹上明媚的笑脸 We will fly to the edge of the galaxy 我们飞往银河的尽头 Fly me to the moon fly me to the moon 和我一起飞向月球 飞向月球 Fly me to the edge of the world 和我一起飞向尽头 世界的尽头 Fly me to the place where you will get higher 带我飞往你会去往的地方 And higher with a white rabbit 与白兔一起飞向更高处

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