Paint Me in God - Mike Rebel
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  1. 1 Paint Me in God Mike Rebel

Mike Rebel/T-Pain/王以太《Paint Me in God》歌词 You should see the colours that they paint me 你应该瞧瞧他们对我的定义 Talking at me like the want cage me 言语里流露着他们想要对我囚禁 Run away they just gon' chase me down 我努力逃离但他们仍享受追逐我的快意 Put in me so that they won't brake me 我深陷牢笼 Mama said that I will always be a baby 在妈妈眼里我永远会是个孩子 But mama didn't make the boy crazy 但是我却在这里濒临崩溃 Choppers and em sirens mhen I hate this town 当我向这里发起了攻击 警报四起 Though I move the way that should erase me 于是我改变了本该走的那条路 You should see the colours that they paint me 你应该瞧瞧他们对我的定义 They ain't really wanna end slavery 他们压根儿就不想结束这残酷的奴役 I know that I ain't the one that ******* lay that ground 我深知我不是醉倒在大街的懒汉 you gon' paint me 你凭什么来定义我 And you don't like your children nibbling me 你不满于你孩子对我的方式 I hate it that your daughter wanna date me 我也无心与你的宝贝女儿约会 We had a couple children with a light skin brown 我的孩子们有着令人惊艳的肤色 And all skin b*****s gon' hate me 可那些女人根本不把我当回事 Paint me in gold 那么赋我以荣光 Or paint me in God 或授予我神的旨意 I'm now what you made me 我是你所造就的 The colour you paint me 你所定义的 You painting me wrong 从一开始便是错的 Still your job 你的职责 Starting to make me feel like a moron 让我像个任人摆布的白痴 Just paint me in gold 那么请赋我以荣光 Or paint me in God 或授予我的神的旨意 I'm now what you made me 我是你所造就的 The colour you paint me 你所定义的 You painting me wrong 从一开始便是错的 Still your job 你的职责 Starting to make me feel like a moron 让我像个任人摆布的白痴 Just paint me in God (oh, oh, oh, oh, oh) 赋我以荣光(噢~噢~ 噢~噢~) Paint me in God 或授予我的神的旨意 Paint me in God (oh, oh, oh, oh, oh) 赋我以荣光(噢~噢~ 噢~噢~) Paint me in God 或授予我的神的旨意 我在起立为何非得要我坐下 虚假揭发电话为何非得拨打 强调地下和主流间的落差 说hiphop不来自我们的** 不想回应 也不接受尘埃落定 走上街头 用力打磨我的作品 但是娱乐圈像有毒的红苹果 说唱歌手吃了长不醒 所以不想瞎眼让人make me do anything 不想下贱的帮人合上目anything 迈着孤单的步伐台下眼神变得木纳 差点放弃了帮你去录painy things 但有声音仍然让我做着better me 听到胜利就在这首melody 所以我澄清你对我的误解 你忽略的 不屑的 我呈现的 永远不止穿的牌子 Paint me in gold 赋我以荣光 Or paint me in God 或授予我的神的旨意 I'm now what you made me 我是你所造就的 The colour you paint me 你所定义的 You painting me wrong 从一开始便是错的 Still your job 你的职责 Starting to make me feel like a moron 让我像个任人摆布的白痴 Just paint me in gold 赋我以荣光 Or paint me in God 或授予我的神的旨意 I'm now what you made me 我是你所造就的 The colour you paint me 你所定义的 You painting me wrong 从一开始便是错的 Still your job 你的职责 Starting to make me feel like a moron 让我像个任人摆布的白痴 Just paint me in God (oh, oh, oh, oh, oh) 赋我以荣光(噢~噢~ 噢~噢~) Paint me in God 或授予我的神的旨意 Paint me in God (oh, oh, oh, oh, oh) 赋我以荣光(噢~噢~ 噢~噢~) Paint me in God 或授予我的神的旨意 You've been too busy trying to be wavy 你一直在疲于奔命 Them ****** is now worry about your safety 黑子们开始担心起你的安危 If you keep selling all that codein they gonna gun you down 挡了他们的财路你将会命不久矣 Take that s**t that you've been flexin lately **这玩意儿让我忘记了世间烦恼 What will you been to busy chasing 这日子过的浑浑噩噩 And shutting ****** down on a daily 崩了尼哥成为了日常 But you can take it to the grave what you gon' do now? 你能带着你的罪行入土可如今呢 Look at what you wasting yeah 我所失去的一切 Scattered like the coffin then they place me 失魂落魄的散落了一地 Just to show me what I'm really pacing 就是为了证明我真正追寻的 At the end of the day you will end up in ground 我们终会入土为安 I tell you the truth and you hate me 你对我的厌恶是既定的事实 So why you gonna treat me like a faking youu 为何不坦诚相待 I don't wanna what you made me do 我讨厌被人强迫 Tripple shotta, Henny ima take that down 三声** 一切落下帷幕 So I won't feel a thing when you paint me, in gold 我却已经麻木 Just paint me in God (oh, oh, oh, oh, oh) 那么赋我以荣光(噢~噢~ 噢~噢~) Paint me in God 或授予我的神的旨意 Paint me in God (oh, oh, oh, oh, oh) 赋我以荣光(噢~噢~ 噢~噢~) Paint me in God 或授予我的神的旨意

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