Back To Back(安,氧,Feat. Al Rocco) - 深蓝儿童
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  1. 1 Back To Back(安,氧,Feat. Al Rocco) 深蓝儿童

深蓝儿童/Al Rocco/..《Back To Back(安,氧,Feat. Al Rocco)》歌词 Prod. by Trkk YoungChigga: Break the cell phone I got no way back (摔碎手机,我已无路可退) If I ain’t got nothing baby would you stay there? (如果我什么都没有,宝贝你还会在那里吗?) I gotta play back 2 back (我要打背靠背比赛) Break the cell phone I got no way back (摔碎手机,我已无路可退) If I ain’t got nothing baby would you stay there? (如果我什么都没有,宝贝你还会在那里吗?) I gotta play back 2 back (我要打背靠背比赛) Lil Andy: 这是给自己勉励的歌不需要你的附和 我等我的车看一路行人过客 吸遍地的尾气 延灰尘的轨迹 微不足道别来打搅 继续掩饰再遮住鸡毛演技 真多 看我现在如何完美演绎挣脱掉目光 嫉妒眼红的纷说简直了 你不NB 但比我作 我们对着声卡 你对着办公桌 必定是放肆的席卷 躲在众神视而不见忘记的世界 权力最不在意的 光照不到这 淡定 魑魅魍魉也没法靠近 将火种封闭  专一的拼出一条新的栈道 空气虽稀薄冰冷 也能绽放 空间在虚伪社交间扭曲hiphop 购币准备吃我肘击 I am ready for the game(我准备好了这场游戏) 背靠背 人际关系错综复杂精疲力尽我受够了now we are down(现在我们加入) 被人玩弄却搞不清楚状况 满面容光焕发 寄生得到的虚荣感 名副其实 的一身伪装臭皮囊 我宁可选择孤军奋战和我兄弟坚守阵地享受比赛不论胜败逍遥自在 YoungChigga: Break the cell phone I got no way back (摔碎手机,我已无路可退) If I ain’t got nothing baby would you stay there? (如果我什么都没有,宝贝你还会在那里吗?) I gotta play back 2 back (我要打背靠背比赛) Break the cell phone I got no way back (摔碎手机,我已无路可退) If I ain’t got nothing baby would you stay there? (如果我什么都没有,宝贝你还会在那里吗?) I gotta play back 2 back (我要打背靠背比赛) (Al Rocco:) (I gotta do it right) (我要开始了) (Lil Andy whatsup) (小安迪,怎么样) (红八 gang) Al Rocco: I ain’t gonn looking it back (nah) (我不会回头看) China waving back to back (Yah) (中国浪潮背靠背) Lil Andy with the Roc (ay) (我和小安迪) Suicideboiz with the Pac (ouu) They don’t know what we been through (nah) (他们不知道我们经历了什么) All the years we all lived through (yah) (这些年来我们都是这样过的) Pushing it giving my all (push it all) (用我的一切推动他) Pick it up back when I fall (pick it up now) (我倒下后还会站起来) I ain’t gonn looking it back (nah nah) (我不会回头看) China waving back to back (yah yah) (中国浪潮背靠背) Giving it all that I got (uh huh) (给他我的一切) Not giving a mutha**** (aw yeh) (不在乎其他的) Speaking the truth aint got nothing to loose (nothing else) (说出了真理,没什么能输的了) Reping the culture and ride with my crew (ride it out) (代表这个文化,和我的团队并肩作战) Red 8 红八 gang we keeping it true (红八gang) (红八保持真实) China gang gang now they know what we do (gang) (现在他们知道中国这伙人做了什么) Bring it back bring it back bring it back (ou) (拿回他) Back to back china wave china rap (ou) (背靠背,中国浪潮,中国说唱) They aint never seen that china swag (ou) (他们从来没有见过中国的酷) They aint never seen that china dap (ou) (他们从来没有见过中国的打招呼) Bring it back bring it back bring it back (ou) (拿回他) Back to back china wave china rap (ou) (背靠背,中国浪潮,中国说唱) They aint never seen that china swag (ou) (他们从来没有见过中国的酷) They aint never seen that china dap (ou) (他们从来没有见过中国的打招呼) Rocco YoungChigga: Break the cell phone I got no way back (摔碎手机,我已无路可退) If I ain’t got nothing baby would you stay there? (如果我什么都没有,宝贝你还会在那里吗?) I gotta play back 2 back (我要打背靠背比赛) Break the cell phone I got no way back (摔碎手机,我已无路可退) If I ain’t got nothing baby would you stay there? (如果我什么都没有,宝贝你还会在那里吗?) I gotta play back 2 back (我要打背靠背比赛) Break the cell phone I got no way back (摔碎手机,我已无路可退) If I ain’t got nothing baby would you stay there? (如果我什么都没有,宝贝你还会在那里吗?) I gotta play back 2 back

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